API Keys Usage in Headers

API Keys Usage in Headers

When making requests to our API, it's critical to include your "App-Key" and "X-Client-Key" in the headers of each request. These keys authenticate your requests and ensure secure communication with our server.

  • "App-Key": This is provided by the fleet administrator. As a user, you need to request this from your fleet administrator. They can locate it in the Ezlogz Dashboard under "Settings" > "Fleet Settings" > "External Fleet Keys". This key is tied to a specific fleet, and it allows you to access data from this particular fleet only.

  • "X-Client-Key": This is a key we provide to companies that want to integrate with our system. To get this key, you need to reach out to us, and we will generate it for you.

Here's how you can use these keys in the API requests:

  1. In the header section of your request, add two new fields: "App-Key" and "X-Client-Key".
  2. For "App-Key", enter the key provided by your fleet administrator.
  3. For "X-Client-Key", enter the key provided by us.

An example of a complete HTTP request header might look like this:

GET /api/resource HTTP/1.1
Host: api.ezlogz.com

Replace YOUR_APP_KEY and YOUR_CLIENT_KEY with your actual keys.

Remember, these keys serve as your unique identifier when making requests to the Ezlogz API. They are specifically tied to a particular fleet. If you wish to access data from a different fleet, you will need a separate set of keys corresponding to that fleet.

Always keep your keys secure and never share them with anyone. If you encounter any issues while using your keys, please reach out to our support team for assistance.